Sunday, December 22, 2024

The Evening Mist FV Mixes

Probably about four years ago during the pandemic I put together a couple of 8 hour mega mixes using classical, soundtracks, new age and some jazz together in a smooth flowing easy sounding collection of music. I called them Evening mixes. 

Just recently I started reworking those mixes into a new Final Version series of hour and a half mixes titled Evening Mist FV. The mega mixes are fine under some circumstances but I like having the smaller mixes. An hour and a half has seemed to be the ideal compromise.

So during the recent holidays when I had some time to relax with my music collection I started reworking the Evening Verses and Evening Vessels into the hour and a half Evening Mist FV series. I started off using songs from the two earlier mega mixes but I've also been collecting many more pieces of music from across my collection including new age, ambient, soft rock, classical and soundtracks.

I will be posting these new FV mixes here after the holidays. I'm sure I will have about ten of them over the next couple of weeks. I find it very relaxing and focuses my attention.

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