Sunday, September 18, 2022

Curb Alert

This week is heavy pickup bulk trash for our neighborhood. Earlier today Becky and I went over to her studio to take one of her home studio drawing table chairs over to her studio on Hertel. We then took two of her old small studio chairs out of storage and brought them back home to put out in the trash.

These two chairs have some history. For the past twenty years they were in Becky's studio and had been used by her students when she was conducting art classes at her studio. She hasn't done classes in awhile so it was time to get rid of the chairs. They were still in good shape except for some paint stains but they were very sturdy Steelcase chairs. I got them for Becky when the Canisius College Library was being renovated and getting new furniture. These chairs had previously spent about 20 years being used by students in the library. We still have several more of them at the studio. I got a few of them when the library was getting rid of them. So they are over 40 years old but still in good shape. Someone could use them.

In the early afternoon I rolled them out to the curb after taking them out of the back of the car. Then I posted a curb alert on the Buy Nothing Parkside FB page. At around 5 o'clock I rolled out our old gas grill and put it beside the chairs. About three hours later everything was gone. I knew people would be out on the Sunday night before heavy pickup and wanted to make sure these items were out there right away. 

Update: Monday 9/19. This morning the city came by and did the heavy pickup on our street. I'm glad the chairs and grill went to someone last night and did not end up in a city bulk trash truck.

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