Tuesday, September 13, 2022

A Covid Walk

This evening I went for a walk through the neighborhood. I was alone. Becky has had a sore back recently and she wasn't feeling well so I went out for a brisk walk. I was around the block when I felt like it was the pandemic again or that it has never left which is actually very true. First I saw a group of about 7 or 8 kids running around playing. They were all between the ages of about 6 to 10 and every one of them had a mask on. They were out playing in their masks like it was the most natural thing in the world to them but of course they have been doing it everyday for two and a half years and are probably still doing it at school right now.

As I walked past them on the other side of the street a woman was approaching me on the sidewalk. I was past the kids so I was considering crossing the street when I saw her cross the street to avoid walking by me. A little later I saw another person walk into the street to get around someone rather than walk next to that person or me. Then I immediately saw a car coming down the street with a lone driver wearing a mask. I walked around the corner again and there was a woman walking down the street alone and wearing a mask. It seemed like everywhere I looked I saw a reminder that we are still in the covid pandemic era. I felt like crying. Then I saw a discarded mask on the ground which of course I see one somewhere every time I walk through the neighborhood or anywhere for that matter.

Will this ever end.

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