Monday, May 10, 2021

Mother's Day 2021

We got together for Mother's Day at Dave and Donna's house. It's been a long time since we've to someone's home for an event with more than just a couple of people. We had a wonderful time but it still wasn't the usual number of people in the house. It was also cool and raining so we were inside the entire time.

In addition to Dave and Donna there was Amy and Doug and their two girls, Lori and Joe, Tom was there but Diane was home sick. Of course Mary was there and I had several library related conversations with her. She just graduated from the MLS program at UB and is looking for a library job. And Jim was there which was a real treat. Cassie has been in California for the baby shower with her mother. Jim was in Buffalo with his parents. Becky and I both had nice conversations with Jim. Their baby is due in early July. Becky talked with him a lot about art and museums whereas Jim and I talked mostly about music, TV shows and travel.

The spread of food for the brunch was amazing as usual. I'm sorry I didn't take a picture of that table. I usually do. 

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