Sunday, May 9, 2021


2034: A Novel of the Next World War by Elliot Ackerman and James Stavridas, 2021

I read this book during the first week of May 2021. It was one of those political thrillers about a war that you keep reading no matter what else is on your plate. It was written by a couple of former military officers and award winning authors who imagine a clash between the US and China that expands into a war across the globe. There were no winners. Just lots of bodies. A nuclear holocaust of death and illness.

It was a fascinating cautionary tale of plausible speculative fiction that alters the global balance of power and a war of terrible consequences caused by a misuse of information and inadequate communication. It was not a war book like Tom Clancy but rather more about politics, technology and communication. It was a really scary book but one I couldn't put down.

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