Saturday, May 8, 2021

Buried Treasure

The other day Katie and Todd took the kids to a local cemetery to view the flowers and specifically the azalea bushes which were in full bloom. Henry was very excited about the place and exclaimed "Look at all those cool stones. Maybe there is treasure buried under them". 

He has such an imagination and loves making up and telling fantastical stories. Kate said it was soon time for that awkward conversation concerning cemeteries and graveyards.

Someday Kate may show Henry the nearby graves of his great-grandfather and great-grandmother, his Uncle Tom and many other family members buried at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery just outside Philadelphia.

When I was a child there always seemed to be some relative dying. Funerals and cemeteries was a part of growing up. We also had to walk past two funeral homes on our way to school or church every day. There always seemed to be a crowd standing around outside those homes. There were always funerals. Someone was always dying. However, I was a little older than Henry is now when I started being aware of people around us dying and of course we also had the nearby church and the whole catholic school thing. And that sacrament Extreme Unction!

When our great grandparents lived with us my mom always kept that Extreme Unction kit handy in case a priest needed to be called suddenly. Sometimes I took it out when no one was around and looked at all the parts but was careful not to mess with the holy water.

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