Thursday, August 27, 2020


This is my descriptive term for people who refuse to wear a mask in public when near other people and also folks who do not maintain social distancing. You can see these zombies all over social media and the news. They're everywhere but especially among trump supporters.

I first started seeing zombies when Becky and I went down to Canalside on a sunny summer afternoon. There were a lot of people there and we were surprised by all the people not wearing masks and not maintaining social distancing. Most of the zombies we saw that day were also older people although there were a significant number of young joggers without masks that ran by very closely to people walking along the paths. 

We also see lots of zombies when we walk through Delaware Park. In fact so many zombies that we've been limiting our times going to the park. It just isn't worth it to be aggravated so much by so many inconsiderate people.

One phenomenon that I've been vicariously enjoying has been the new game of chicken zombie I've seen played out in the park and other places. Two zombies walking or running toward each other and both waiting for the other to move out of the way first. They glare at each other without masks and get closer and closer. I've seen some of them get within inches of each other as they pass and very occasionally I'll see on of them actually step aside and maintain a little tiny bit of social distancing. It would be amusing if it wasn't actually unhealthy and potentially deadly.

Sometimes we encounter a zombie while on our daily evening walk around the neighborhood and they are almost always young people ignoring the pandemic. They make the older couple walk out into the street as they saunter down the sidewalk.

The other place were zombies seem to hang out is in stores. Locally for us mask are mandatory in stores but the zombies wander around resentfully masked but ignoring social distancing as if the mask is the only form of health safety they can tolerate at one time.

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