Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Picture Study


The Influence of Art

The closes thing to any kind of art appreciation I had as a kid growing up was our Friday afternoon Picture Study sessions in our grade school. It was always a few minutes looking at and discussing a classic work of art from centuries ago.

The Gleaners by Jean-Francois Millet painted in 1857 somehow has remained in my mind when I think about art history at St. Francis of Assissi School and being taught by nuns. I guess this was the work ethic they wished to instill.

My parents did take us to many museums as kids but mostly science and natural history but I do remember trips to the Philadelphia Art Museum on the Parkway. However, I was really interested in the armor collection and all the recreated buildings and rooms scattered about the museum. I don't think I spent a lot of time looking at paintings during those years.

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