Friday, September 30, 2022

Betsy & Joe @ Kate's

Betsy and Joe came by Katie's house to visit with us on Friday afternoon. Betsy had insisted that we go out for lunch but I convinced her that it would be much easier to order some take out sandwiches to be delivered to us. We got some hoagies. 

They got to hangout with us and with Clara and Violet. Henry was in school and they missed him. Betsy especially loved holding Violet.

Betsy and Joe always make an effort to come down to see us when we are staying at Katie's house. I really do miss spending a lot of time with Betsy which we did for nearly 40 years when we stayed at her house during our many visits to the Philly area every year. 

Update: I found out a day later from Marissa that she and Betsy had just recently got a tattoo. They both got a dragonfly on their shoulders. Well, Betsy never told us during her visit about her first tattoo that she got at age 72. Wow.

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