Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Porch Cactus Double Bloom

We were very surprised when our porch cactus began to look like it was going to bloom for a second time this year. A one night bloom had come and gone in July while we were out of town in the Adirondacks and we missed it. What was really different about this second bloom was the two stalks that sprouted from the cactus that kept growing. 

Then it suddenly seemed like they both were actually going to bloom and then over the Saturday night of September 10-11 they both spectacularly bloomed together. The other odd thing was they both lasted through the next day. They didn't noticeably start drooping until the following Monday but then their demise was rapid. 

Sept. 3
Sept 6
Sept 9
Sept 10
Sept 11
Sept 12
Sept 14

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