Sunday, September 25, 2022

Why We Did It

Why We Did It: A Travelogue from the Republican Road to Hell - Tim Miller, 2022

I'm not sure why I read this because I already knew everything about these people that made them align themselves with Trump. I knew why they did it. Political power pure and simple. 

So I read this book through the month of August and most of September with a short break between library downloads. I didn't learn anything new except maybe the depth of traitorous activity, moral decay and profound political corruption that some people will immerse themselves in to gain power and rally the masses of hate. I found myself disgusted with the author even as he took responsibility for his actions as a Republican party dirty trickster. It was shocking to see described in such detail the willingness of party leaders to support obvious vicious lies and hate filled rhetoric that stirred up the mob of racists. They knowingly encouraged anti-democratic forces that are destroying America as a free nation. They supported totalitarianism and the rule of absolute dictatorship. They are traitors pure and simple.

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