Thursday, September 14, 2023

Podcast vs Music

I recently noticed the several podcast apps on my phone and then on my tablet. The main ones were Stitcher and Podbean but also on Spotify. Stitcher is no longer available for use which I didn't know about until I tried to use it today. I put these apps on my devices several years ago. Well, probably closer to six years ago.

I thought that I would like to listen to podcast during my retirement years and then I did it some more early in the pandemic. But I stopped. I found out that I would much rather read a book with music on than sit there listening to someone talking about something.

Early on I did listen to a few podcasts and had a couple of favorites but they didn't last very long. Now maybe I would have spent more time with podcasts if I was at work and needed something to listen to while working but not music. That might have worked but I never listened to them during my work years. Come to think of it I didn't listen to any talk radio either. Ever. There was a time many years ago when I would listen to a little talk radio from PBS but that was about it and I didn't do it for very long. Sometimes I would have it on around the house for a while but overall I'd much rather have music on.

The same could be said about traveling in the car. I always wanted music on when we were traveling long distances. Especially when we were going between Buffalo and Philly all these years. I didn't like listening to music on the radio either. It was always tapes and CDs for me. I wanted control of what I was listening to during those times. I also never had very much of a work commute over the past 40 years. Maybe a podcast would work for a long work commute. Also maybe even an audio book for those situations. Fortunately I was never in that kind of long drive work commute. Come to think of it I have never listened to an audio book. Never.

So when it came down to listening to someone talk about something on a podcast or someone reading a book to me versus listening to music. Well, the music always won.

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