Thursday, November 10, 2022

Beer Club - Finally

I finally went to a beer club last night at Mr. Goodbar. It was the first time in almost three years. I think the last time was January 2020. This time I went more for the socializing than for the beers. In fact I didn't participate in the actual beer club. It was a Belgium beer night with lots of high alcohol content brews. I just wasn't into it. I didn't want heavy beers this time.

I sat in my usual chair against the wall and used my free pint card which is good for ten beers and I had only used it three times. I got the free pint card in one of the beer club raffles back in 2019. I used it for two beers for the night. First for a Bells Amber Lager and the a Community Beer Works Pilsner. I sipped those beers for about an hour each. 

This beer club night was particularly sparse. It was probably the least crowded beer club I've ever seen. Even our table was half empty and only included me, Tom, John, John Jr and Kara. Everyone else couldn't make it for various reasons. 

I'm not sure how many of these things I will go to in the future. I just don't feel like drinking a lot of different heavy beers. I really just enjoyed drinking that lager and pilsner all night and having conversations. Next month will be the Christmas beers and ales. I do like all of them and I certainly like the Belgium beers that I didn't drink this time but I just don't feel like drinking so many of them even though they are only 4 oz tasters although there were ten of them. I think I would rather just have a pint of one or two of them during a night and not get so buzzed.

Becky dropped me off at Goodbar as usual and I took a Lyft ride home.

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