Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The War on Halloween

For years we have been hearing about the so called War on Christmas by christian conservatives who think everyone else is trying to get rid of Christmas or at least the religious aspect of the holiday and lately there has been a lot of anger from the same people who themselves want to get rid of Halloween which they argue is a pagan satanic celebration.

This has all gotten worse in this age of social media anger and trumpers. This sign on someone's door says it all. It's been hard enough last Halloween with so much of trick or treating cancelled because of covid but I wonder what it might be like going to houses in a red state trumper neighborhood.

Christian trumpers don't seem to care that all their religious holidays were originally pre-christian pagan celebrations that the early christian church conveniently scheduled to coincide pagan activities so that celebrants could be either christian or pagan at the same time. 

In the Eighth Century Pope Gregory III created the christian feast of All Saints Day at the same time as the ancient Celtic feast of Samhain which celebrated the harvest and had evolved into All Hallows Eve which eventually became Halloween. The ancient Druids and Celts also celebrated November 1 as their new year so of course a christian pope would create a christian feast day on that day.

The trumpers are already making a fuss.

The sign says... "Attention Satanic Socialist!!! This is the home of a PATRIOTIC CHRISTIAN FAMILY! We work hard and pay taxes! We do not celebrate Satan's Day. We do not give away free candy to lazy entitled freeloaders! No handouts! Welcome to America!! If you want candy GET A JOB!! And FIND JESUS!!!!"

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