Saturday, October 30, 2021

Doves on the Wire

Yesterday I took our bird feeder and hung it on the hook on our back porch. I didn't put any birdseed in it yet. Almost immediately a squirrel came to check it out and climbed all over the feeder. This morning we saw a family of blue jays come by and check out the feeder. They hung around it for awhile and long enough for a couple of mourning doves to hover nearby on the roof of the shed.

They must have thought I was getting ready to put the bird seed out because in a little while I counted twelve doves nearby. Eight of them were on the wire above the feeder.

I usually put the bird seed out in early November. I only put the feeder up now because I was in the shed and it was handy. Monday is November 1st. I also grabbed the clips I use to keep the top on the feeder that prevents the squirrels from getting into the seed. It is always a long battle over the winter between me and the squirrels. 

I certainly don't mind them getting the seeds that fall to the ground but when they are hanging on the feeder grabbing the birdseed it then keeps the birds from getting fed. The clips and wire worked last year.

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