Thursday, July 30, 2020

John Lewis Funeral

Today I watched the televised funeral of an American icon of the civil rights movement and an inspirational leader in Congress.

This TV event was on all morning and most of the afternoon on CNN, MSNBC and even Fox. Three former presidents were there speaking including George Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Even the sickly Jimmy Carter had someone read a statement to the congregation for him at the funeral. It was a coming together of Americans but with the glaring exception of that racist in the White House.

I was in and out of the room throughout much of the day but I did hear a lot of wonderful gospel music and saw many of the speakers firing up the crowd including a very inspirational eulogy by President Obama which closed the ceremony. He made a powerful call for voting rights in America on the very day that Trump was calling for a postponement of the upcoming elections. 

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