Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Waterfront Social Distancing

Pandemically Speaking

Today Becky and I went down to the waterfront. It was a beautiful day... except for the other people. We started out at the Erie Basin Marina, walked through the Naval Park, past the Liberty Hound and on to Canalside. Everywhere were went there were people obviously not maintaining adequate social distancing. There were not many people wearing face masks. We had ours but took them off when nobody was around. However, when walking along the paths we were constantly having to dodge people who walked right at us or who came walking up behind us very closely.

We had one incident where we were sitting in the shade under a tree in a couple of Adirondack chairs. A woman came along and dragged a nearby chair to a spot under the tree a few feet behind us. OMG, less than three feet away. We got up and walked away and as we looked back we could see her sitting in the chair I just vacated. Did she do that just to get us to move from our prime spot? What is wrong with people? The Pandemic must be making everybody crazy.

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