Wednesday, June 24, 2020

PT 109

Another Saturday matinee movie I first saw at our neighborhood theater in 1963.

We were very excited as kids going to a Catholic school when John F. Kennedy was elected president. It was fun to see the heroic exploits of the president as a young man in war. Certainly a stark contrast to the current president bone spurs.

This was actually the first time a movie had been made about a sitting US president although he would be assassinated in Dallas five months after the film was released.

The day of the Kennedy assassination has certainly made in indelible mark on everyone's memories at that time. I was in 7th grade and I can still see the nun come into our class with tears in her eyes telling us the president was dead followed by the announcement on the loudspeaker by our principal. 

This movie made me want to join the Navy when I grew up...LOL.

The PT 109 movie trailer

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