Friday, May 22, 2020

It's Four In The Morning - mix

Morning kitchen listening... an old CD mix I made in 2003. 

One of my favorite mixes from my Late Night series that has evolved over the years. I'm surprised I was still concerned enough about track times to put them on the back cover. So I think I was putting the track list times on the covers because many of the discs were given away or traded and this was a way to know approximately the size of the file for that particular song. Back in the early days of burning CD mixes hard drives were much smaller and it helped to know how much space a song or mix was taking up.
It has been updated and revised several times. 

I later posted it to the online mix group Art of the Mix in 2007 where it won Mix of the Week.

There is also a version of this mix on Spotify linked at the bottom of this page.

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