Monday, September 6, 2021

Traveling Overseas Again

Since 2018 Becky and I had been planning to take an overseas trip each year and the first two years we had fantastic experiences in Europe. London and Paris in 2018 and then Dublin, London and Edinburgh in 2019. We had plans to return to Italy in 2020 and perhaps Spain in 2021. Well, of course that didn't happen pandemically speaking but we are talking about maybe a trip to Barcelona and Paris in 2022.

I spent two weeks in Barcelona in 1972 and would love to return to that amazing city and we saw that there is a high speed train between there and Paris that takes less than an hour. We were reminded of Barcelona recently when we saw a documentary on TV about Antoni Gaudi and Barcelona architecture. Then we also recently met our new neighbors where the husband is a UB professor from Barcelona. One of Katie's friends was over the house while visiting and told the story of her being stuck in a town outside of Barcelona for several months during the pandemic shutdown while on a bicycle trip across Spain. So it looks like Barcelona for us with some time in Paris thrown in.

I have some very fond memories of Barcelona and a few crazy ones too as a twenty year old sailor exploring another city in another country. It would be nice to go there again and share new memories with Becky.

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