Saturday, September 4, 2021

Lizzie & Lewie's Dinosaur Wedding

Saturday afternoon we had some rest, a little sleep and then pulled out the suit and the dress for the big occasion. At about 5:30 pm we went downstairs to the lobby and met up with Betsy and Joe again. Soon more people were milling around waiting for the hotel shuttle bus that would take us to the Cleveland Museum of Natural History which was the wedding venue. The shuttle first took some of the wedding party.

It was a short ride and the shuttle bus

was quickly back and we all got on and then dropped off outside the museum. We were then directed to an outside area where there was seating arranged in front of a fountain where the ceremony was to happen. We sat and it wasn't very long before the procession began and the wedding party arrived on the stage in front of the guests. The ceremony was officiated by Lewie's grandmother and she was wonderful and very funny. A few people spoke but overall the ceremony was relatively short and sweet. Lizzie's Uncle Barry read a list of family and friends that had passed and were missed at the wedding including my parents and brother Tom. Barry was a little confused before hand because he was eulogizing a George and Betty Emery but had met a George and Becky Emery over the weekend. The similar names gave him a brief pause. We had a laugh about it later.

Afterward the guests were led into the hall while the wedding party was getting pictures taken. It was a lot of fun being in the museum and there were dinosaurs everywhere. We were handed glasses of champagne as we entered the hall of dinosaurs. Ava and Courtney were with us and at age 16 and 17 we were all surprised when the staff offered them glasses of champagne too. All they had to say was thank you and accept the glasses but they said they were not old enough. We had a good laugh about it.

We milled around the dinosaurs for awhile enjoying a cocktail hour. We could also wander around the many exhibits. Then people started going to their assigned tables. Becky and I sat with Betsy and Joe, Sara and Erik, and Chris and Kim. The kids were at the table next to us. The dinner was wonderful and what one would expect from a couple of serious foodies.

Soon there was lots of young people dancing and partying. It was a very fun

wedding. We were going to be driving home the next morning and I kept my drinking well under control. No hard liquor. I had that glass of champagne and then three beers were all low % lagers.

There was an incident where Betsy "lost" her cellphone. She was frantic looking all over the museum for it. Somehow it

turned up in Lizzie's wedding dress pocket. It is suspected that Betsy's younger granddaughters were responsible. It certainly ruined a lot of the night for Betsy. If those girls were involved they should be ashamed for pranking their grandmother like that. They've done a lot of obnoxious pranks on Betsy but that is another story.

We left the wedding a little after 11 pm and just before the main crowd which would be lining up for the shuttle by 11:30. When we left Betsy was still frantically looking for her phone.

We had a great time. It was a wonderful wedding.

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