Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Deja Vu Again

Facebook Memories just notified me that 12 years ago today on February 10, 2009 I posted the following... "is thinking it's good to finally have a smart articulate president again." 

That was in response to Barack Obama taking over as President after eight years of George W. Bush. It was a bad time for America then as we were going through the financial meltdown of 2008 and Bush left all the problems for President Obama.

The Bush years were a disaster for so many reasons. 911, the Iraq War, the broken economy, etc. and W was obviously not the man for the job.

Now we are in a similar transition from a person not fit for office to someone with a huge cleanup task. Already the radical right is attacking everything President Biden is attempting to accomplish including fighting the corona virus that was ignored by the previous administration.

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