Friday, January 29, 2021

The Ghink Ghinks

Earlier today Rita started an interesting thread on our sibling text group that brought back so many memories. She started with her experience that morning pouring a glass of tea from a bottle when as she described it "an old familiar sound became music to my ears". She exclaimed "I got the Ghink Ghinks".

Everybody chimed in with a Ghink Ghinks story. As kids we had a Ghink Ghinks craze. Every time someone opened a bottle of milk there would be a big fuss over who had their milk poured first and thus got the Ghink Ghinks. So what was the Ghink Ghinks? First off it was always plural. It was the sound of that freshly opened bottle of milk being poured into a glass. The Ghink Ghinks only happened for a moment and then was lost. Then there was a commotion at the table whether it was breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Eventually our parents forbade us from uttering the Ghink Ghinks. No more Ghink Ghinks but of course that just made us want to do it more. It was such a fun quirky craze and to this day makes us all laugh.

We were the only kids we knew of that had a thing about the Ghink Ghinks. It was ours and ours alone and as Cathy put it we had milk crazed minds. It must have been very annoying to Mom and Dad. Cathy went on to say that they probably laughed about us many many times telling all their friends and our aunts and uncles about us singing and fighting over the Ghink Ghinks. I got the Ghink Ghinks!

I still savor the Ghink Ghinks every time I pour a beer into my fancy beer glass.

We had Abbots Milk delivered to the house several times a week. We had a milk crate sitting on the side of the front steps. It was my job to make sure the empties were put in the crate to picked up and then I would take the new bottles and put them in the icebox as we called it then.

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