Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Day of Infamy

Wednesday January 6th 2021 will be remembered in American history as a Day of Infamy when the President of the United States stood before thousands of his supporters and demanded that they storm the Capitol building to stop Congress from the ceremonial process of counting the votes from the Electoral College. And they did.

It was shocking to see the demonstration of trumpies turn into a riot on live television and the protestors became terrorists. It was hard to watch the rioters actually break into the Capitol building. How could that happen? Where is security? Where are the police? The National Guard?

We were watching the news today to mostly see what was going on with the Georgia Senate runoff election. We knew about the one race that was won by the democrat when we woke up this morning but although it looked like the second one would also be won by the democrat it wasn't official yet.

We also knew that the joint session of Congress was meeting to ceremonially count the electorial college votes and that there would be the circus of some republicans objecting to the count. 

And we had also known that there were trump supporters demonstrating in DC that were addressed by trump himself. So there was a lot going on but we certainly did not expect everything to converge on the Capitol steps like they did today.

It was horrible to see those rioters push back the woefully inadequate police lines and actually force there way into the building causing a disruption in the congressional proceedings. House and Senate members actually had to be evacuated from the floor and go into hiding.

We are going to bed worried about our country.

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