Wednesday, January 6, 2021

You're Welcome

Woke up this morning to a text from my cousin Bill that simply stated "you're welcome". I laughed and that was the first indication I had that the Dems had won a Senate race in Georgia. Bill lives in Atlanta, Georgia and we had been chatting online about the election earlier in the week. I was thanking him for voting Democratic.

We went to bed on Tuesday night before the results were in although it was looking potentially good for the Dems one never knew. It was amazing already how quickly Georgia was turning from Red to Blue but it would be harder on a runoff election that the whole country was watching and where the control of the Senate was hanging in the balance. It had been quite a surprising and wonderful shock when Trump lost Georgia in November.

And then there had been the whole crazy efforts of trump to overturn the election results in Georgia. The release of his phone call to Georgia Republican election officials where he cajoled, begged and threatened to get them to change the election results anyway possible.

So Bill gave me the good news when I looked at my blinking phone in the morning and read his text. Raphael Warnock was declared the winner over the trumpie republican and Jon Ossoff had a large lead. Later in the day he would also be declared the winner and the Senate was officially Democratic controlled. It was amazing to see Moscow Mitch get smacked down.

However, as the day went on things on Capitol Hill started getting crazy and the Senate race results in Georgia were no longer the biggest news story but that is another post.

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