Sunday, July 7, 2024

Buttermilk Falls 2024

We headed down to Buttermilk Falls on Sunday following our drive to the Adirondacks on Saturday. The family tradition continues and we take our photos on the rocks overlooking the falls. Sean and Ashely weren't there yet so they missed out on this trip to the falls. 

We hiked around the falls for a while and Todd took Henry and Clara exploring. They waded into the river and climbed up on an island which they renamed Henry & Clara Island. They had a great time.

Dave and Donna didn't want to go to the falls. The last time they were there, many years ago, Mary had stepped on a hornets nest and got multiple stings. They just didn't want to go there. Karen and Davo were in town and would have to go to the falls another time on their own.

After the falls it was time to celebrate Henry's birthday... 8 years old. Then it was down to the beach.

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