Thursday, July 13, 2023

Muddy Trails & A Day of Rest

Todd and Katie took the kids on a hike to Rock Lake. The trails were a little muddy and hard to keep your footing so they didn't last very long. Then they went to lunch in Long Lake and took the kids over to the playground.

Becky and I stayed back at the cabins on this nice Thursday of our vacation and had a day of rest. We just hung out and took it easy. We went down to the beach where we couldn't go near the water and then went over to the lean-to area overlooking the lake and stayed there for awhile. I read a book while Becky did some drawings. We also hung around the dock but the water level there was very high too.

When the kids came home we hung out with them. Violet watched some TV shows and then we had a nice dinner of Asian food. After dinner we hung out on the porch and enjoyed our time together.

Already looking forward to next year.

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