Monday, March 1, 2021

The Sullivans is Sinking

I was very shocked to read in the Buffalo News that the USS The Sullivans down at the Buffalo Naval Park has been taking on water and is in danger of sinking. Apparently it was noticed that the ship began listing to one side and an inspection determined that there was water coming into the bilges from a leak. 

Now there is an organized effort to raise funds to fix the ship. The Naval Park has been in financial stress because of lack of revenues due to Covid-19 and the park being closed for a year. There has always been some state money but the loss of revenue from tour tickets and space rentals has been devastating to the operation and maintenance of the park including the ships.

The News has reported that there have been some significant funds donating to the park from some local corporations and businesses. There is also online funding efforts targeted to the general public and park users.

I've always enjoyed going down to the Naval Park every year and have written about it in previous posts here and also about The Liberty Hound across the pier.

This is a fascinating video of the current attempts to save the USS The Sullivans that is taking on water at the Naval Park in Buffalo.

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