Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism - Book

Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism by Rachel Maddox, 2023

Here is another book about the American history that we were never taught about in school. I've been reading quite a few books like this recently but this one really speaks to what is going on in America today with the rise of the authoritarian fascism of the magat trumpers. I just read this over the past week.

The book was actually very shocking to me. I knew there were Nazi sympathizers in America leading up to WWII but I was unaware of the extent and the numbers of important and powerful politicians that were actually financially supported by the Nazi German government. I was also shocked at the intensity of the right wing backlash against the American government when they attempted to investigate and prosecute American Nazis or sympathizers who were actively supporting the Germans in their war against democracies. Some of those names were familiar too... Henry Ford, Father Coughlin, Charles Lindberg and so many more. I couldn't believe how many people in Congress actually wanted America to be an ally of Nazi Germany instead of the British. 

The author goes into great detail describing the history of fascism in America and she makes us understand how and why that fascism is so alive in our country today because of the likes of trump. 

It was very disturbing to see how Nazi lawyers studied America to learn how to create a racist system of law. They saw that America led the world in racism built into their culture and legal system. Then they applied the American model to Jews in Germany and then eventually added the death camps.

This is a book that every American should read.

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