Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Not in Kansas Anymore

Trump Dystopia
There was an election in Kansas this week and on the ballot was the right to have an abortion in the state of Kansas. The people of Kansas resoundingly spoke with their votes and the extremist right wing anti-abortion folks, including the SCOTUS scumbags who overturned Roe, were soundly defeated by everyday Americans even in a red state like Kansas. Basically the people of Kansas voted to preserve abortion rights protections in the state constitution and rejected an amendment that would have removed the right to abortion from the state constitution.  

Both sides poured millions of dollars into campaign ads and knocking on voter's doors but the results were still a big surprise. The anti-abortion Republicans in particular were backed by millions of dollars from the Catholic Church which begs the question why is the church exempt from taxes when they are so obviously involved in politics. The Republican state legislators thought they could quietly pass an amendment that would strip people's rights from the state constitution.

This has happened three months before the midterm elections and is the first time voters have had an opportunity to weigh in on the abortion rights controversy since the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs Wade which of course is the result of Trump's court picks. This stunning result will perhaps give Democrats the incentive to elevate the issue in races across the country. This issue also unexpectedly brought voters to the polls in an offseason primary contest. This could be an indicator of a changing abortion landscape across the nation.

The pro-choice people in Kansas formed a coalition aptly named Kansans for Constitutional Freedom with a strategically named group with a message designed to cut across partisan lines and cast the amendment as a challenge to personal liberty and a first step toward a government mandate that would require a woman to carry a fetus to term. America is waking up. Getting woke.

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