Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Beer Not Beer

I've written a few posts recently about being sick a lot this spring and summer. One of the results of all the times I've not been feeling well has been a drastic decline in the amount of beer that I've been drinking. Prior to these bad colds I had been usually having a beer or two almost every evening. I liked to sip a beer while doing my writing especially since we had not been going out very much and socializing in bars, restaurants or art openings. 

Then Becky stopped any regular drinking alcohol because of some health problems which greatly improved when she gave it up. She will now have a beer or glass of wine once in a very great while at a restaurant but that is about it. Both of our kids have stopped drinking alcohol and have both been buying non-alcohol beers which we started keeping around the house. So now I have been drinking a lot of NA beers too. I still will have a regular beer or two but often I break it up with an NA. There are also now a lot of good NA beers on the market.

So now I still have something to drink every night while I am writing but more often than not I am sipping on a non-alcohol beer or a flavored soda water. I've been feeling better lately and have had some regular beers but now I always stop at two and actually most of the time I will have one NA and one regular beer.

Down in our basement I have a shelf filled with beers both NA and regular one.  It's a nice assortment. I also have some soda waters back stocked there too.

I feel better about my drinking now. I know it's been a problem for a lot of people in my family and lots of friends too. 

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