Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Sick Day

I was sick yesterday. All day. I spent most of the day in bed. I was fine the day before but I woke up feeling bad. I was a little dizzy, I felt nauseous but never close to vomiting. My first inclination was that I might be having a stroke or something related but there was no headache or other related symptoms. No, I had some kind of virus or bug. I was also very tired and fatigued. I had been busy doing yard work and had been pushing myself all week. I needed rest. Lots of rest.

Becky went to the store on her way back from the studio and picked up a couple of Covid test kits. We both tested negative. Everything we do these days is seen with the perspective of the pandemic.

My body probably has a lower natural immunity going on right now. I haven't been exposed much to the germs of other people because of wearing a mask in public and just not going out in crowded places like we've always done. Even this past week I haven't gone anywhere. Where could I have picked up a cold and Becky wasn't sick other than a slight headache. It's hard to know these days. I also had a flu shot a few weeks ago.

As the day went on I felt more and more like I had a bad cold including a sore throat but no runny nose. It was mostly the fatigue. I felt awful. I couldn't concentrate on anything. I couldn't read, write, watch tv or even listen to music. I just wanted to close my eyes and sleep.

Later in the afternoon I was up for a bit and Katie video called. I found out that Henry was sick too. Then we heard from Sean and Ashley that Andrew was also sick. I'm glad we weren't spreading it around to each other. The kids are at that place where they bring home all kinds of bugs from school and daycare. Been there done that.

I wasn't sure where I got my bug. It has been a week since we were traveling and at the airport, on the plane, etc. 

Well, I feel much better today. I used to get what my mom called "the 24 hour virus". and seems like what I had yesterday.

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