Sunday, October 17, 2021

Big Back Yard

The Big Backyard Nursery School is where Katie and Todd sent Henry the past year or so during the pandemic when his previous daycare school closed. Henry went on to kindergarten at the neighborhood public school and now Clara is at the Big Backyard. The school is located a few blocks away on Gowan Street in their Mt Airy neighborhood.

Becky and I have been there a few times last year with Henry and recently during our October visit with Clara. Most of the activities for the children happen outside in the big backyard of the church where the nursery school is located. This was started as a safety feature for the children during the pandemic. All of the children also wear masks along with the teachers. They play outside regardless of the season. Last winter Henry would wear two pairs of pants and was bundled up for outdoor play. 

When we were down in Philly visiting in October we went to a party at the Big Backyard where we really got a feel for how the kids interacted there in that special space. It really was a lot of fun that was full of activities for the kids including a band performing at the site. Henry loved being back there and many of his friends from his kindergarten class had also gone to that daycare center over the years.

It was interesting to see how kids were reacting to the covid restrictions. It's so hard to imaging how difficult it is for parents to send their children out into this pandemic world. 

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