Monday, November 2, 2020

The Day Before

The day before election day 2020. I think everyone is feeling stressful going into this election which is definitely the most important in my lifetime. Our democracy itself is at stake.

It's been hard to watch the news today when you see so many maga terrorists thugs harassing voters and campaign workers and blocking streets near polling places. It was especially jarring to see the Biden campaign bus surrounded by terrorists on a Texas highway and of course hearing the impeached president calling those hoodlum patriots.

It's hard to believe that people are actually talking about what to do if there is an attempted coup by trump if he loses the election. The administration has built a huge fence surrounding the White House. It is certainly a bunker mentality and makes one wonder about what he expects to happen after election day. Is this fence to keep out the millions of protestors if he refuses to leave after the votes have all been counted? Is it to keep out authorities coming to arrest him?

It's hard to believe over 100 million people have voted before election day. Us included. Trump has made people paranoid about their vote and the result was they voted early to make sure their vote counted.

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