Saturday, November 7, 2020

Rudy & The Four Seasons


There were many memorable moments on the day that Biden defeated Trump but one of the most bizarre was the press conference held by Rudy G in Philly. The word is that Rudy called the wrong phone number when arranging the location of the press conference. The original selection was the large luxury Four Seasons Hotel and Banquet Center in center city Philadelphia. The result of Rudy's ineptitude was the press conference the world saw in the Four Seasons Total Landscaping Co. parking lot nestled between a porn shop and a crematorium. 

The actual Four Seasons is a very large luxury hotel near the convention center that regularly host events such as the planned press conference.

How could Rudy mistakenly have booked his press conference in a landscape company parking lot rather that that well known downtown hotel?

Sacha Baron Cohen couldn't have set him up at that weird location better than Rudy did it to himself next to Fantasy Island Adult Book Store and across the street from the Delaware Valley Crematorium. Nicely done Rudy.

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