Monday, August 3, 2020

On Voting

The people screaming about the problems of mail-in voting are driving me crazy and the whole voter suppression thing reeks with the stink of fascist anti-democracy. The long voter lines is clearly anti-American. This is also a concerted effort by the Republican Party to suppress voting in America in an effort to preserve their obviously dwindling voter base.

Some solutions IMHO: 

Election day should be a national holiday

If you are a citizen and pay annual state and federal taxes you should be automatically registered to vote. Period.

People should be able to vote during a designated election season not just election day.

There should be a national law requiring X number of voting places available per X number of people eligible to vote. 

Mail-in voting should be allowed everywhere. There should also be drop-off voting where you can take a completed ballot to a pre-designated drop-off station ahead of time at a specified safe predetermined official location.

No politician from any party should ever at any time have anything to do with creating, modifying or changing in any way shape or form a voting district. All voting district changes should be made by a non-partisan, non-party affiliated community based non-profit local organization representing all aspects of that community.

All voting districts should follow pre-existing community or geographic boundaries or as close as possible. Any unusually drawn voting district should be immediately investigated by a federal voting commission. 

There should also be a national effort to make online voting a reality. People pay taxes online, bank online, social security transactions online, conduct financial stock purchases online, have medical appointments and records available online, gamble online, etc, etc. The list goes on and on so why can't voting be conducted safely and securely online. There is no reason other than more voter suppression. 

And while we are at it we should eliminate the Electoral College or at least require it to reflect actual voting in a state. The Senate should also be made up senators that accurately reflect the population of their state. It is simply undemocratic for a state with the population of Wyoming or North Dakota to have the same number of representatives in the Senate as a California or New York. That is not fair.

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