Sunday, August 16, 2020

Henry the Builder

Henry likes to build things. As a recently turned four year old his favorite material to play with is his sets of duplos and he has a lot of them. His other passion is his cars and trucks and recently he has combined the two into the building of elaborate towering vehicles made of duplo blocks.

The duplo creation in the photo is an example of his vehicle towers and he wanted me to protect it from his little sister who loves to dismantle towers. I placed it up high where Clara could not get to it and it did look interesting next to some of Becky's pottery.

During our time with the kids I've watched Henry build lot of things. We spent a lot of time last year with the kids in their house in Philly and at that time he was especially happy building large elaborate train track setups. He also had big duplo towers and other types of blocks. I really liked what he did with the various magnetic blocks sets. Fun to watch.

He also got very defensive about Clara toddling around threatening to destroy all his works at any moment. Poor Henry would sometimes get so emotional about protecting his creations.

I'm really looking forward to seeing what he does with the regular Legos. We have several boxes of Legos stored in a closet in our house from when Sean was a kid.

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