Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Notre Dame Fire

Heartbreaking News

I was shocked and saddened to see the news about the devastating fire in Paris where the cathedral of Notre Dame is burning. The whole world is watching and waiting to see what will happen to this international religious and cultural icon. Seeing the pictures of Notre Dame burning is heartbreaking. We have wonderful memories of that church.

I'm so glad we got to see the church before this tragic fire and hope there is less damage than it looks and there is a significant recovery.

It was almost a year ago we visited Notre Dame in Paris. It was one of the many highlights of our trip to Paris last year. We went into the cathedral on our second day in Paris right after the terrorist attack the night before. There was a special mass for the victims of the attack going on while we were day. It was a healing service for the country. I wrote about our experience the evening of the terrorist attack that happened down the street from us here.

We got to see the church from the outside a second time during our trip when we took a boat ride down the Seine which of course naturally went by Notre Dame on it's island in the river. We also went to a baguette festival on the island which was amazing and highly entertaining.

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