Friday, February 15, 2019

Readings 1980

The books I read in 1980. I really wasn't a big reader that year but I did enjoy what I read. Probably too much going on. Not even one book a month.

Most of the books were bestseller types except for the Howard Zinn book which was influenced by a course I took at Temple in 1978. I had read some earlier works and we talked about his new book that would be published in 1980. I've always loved reading books on history and this one was unique. I really enjoyed The Year of the French which was a historical novel about Ireland and one of their wars of independence from England.

These were some of the first books I had read by Stephen King.

  1. The Right Stuff - Tom Wolfe, 1979
  2. The Stand - Stephen King, 1978
  3. The Year of the French - Thomas Flanagan, 1979
  4. A People's History of the United States - Howard Zinn, 1980
  5. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams, 1979
  6. The Book of Daniel - E.L. Doctorow, 1971
  7. Carrie - Stephen King, 1974
  8. The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher - Thomas Lewis, 1974
  9. The Island - Peter Benchley, 1979

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