Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sunday Pancakes

Todd made some Sunday Pancakes this morning. He does this every Sunday. They are small and he makes a lot of different kinds including apple, blueberry, strawberry, plain and whatever is around. He makes lots of them and they get eaten by the kids throughout the week.

I enjoyed a few of them on Sunday morning.

These Sunday morning pancakes reminded me of growing up in our house on Greene Street and having my father make us kids pancakes every Sunday morning. Of course this was after everyone had gone to mass at St. Francis of Assissi Church down the street from our home a half block from the church. We would all always be hungry because of course we fasted before going to church. We would go to either the nine o'clock or ten fifteen mass. Tom and I were choir boys so we sometimes had to sing at the later high mass.  Well, whenever we got home Dad made us pancakes. They were always regular pancakes and not anything special with different ingredients like Todd's. They were also big with lots of butter and syrup. We loved them.

I sometimes can't think about growing up with Dad without tasting those Sunday pancakes.

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