Tuesday, August 10, 2021

El Cid Again

El Cid the TV series from Spain. I just finished watching the second season of this series. There were five shows in each of the first two seasons.

I watched the first season of this show last year. It was an interesting Spanish version of the story of their national hero, a Castilian knight and warlord from the 11th century. I did enjoy watching the historical story and all it's family drama. It does feel like a medieval soap opera at times.

I know the story of El Cid from the old 1961 movie starring Charleton Heston and Sofia Loren which I saw a few times at Saturday matinees back in the day. I wrote about that movie here.  I've also read a history of El Cid which is why I know that this television series has a long way to go if they are continuing to present his life at the same pace as the first two seasons. This may be a ten season epic.

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