Sunday, August 1, 2021

Baking to U-Roy

Becky was making some blueberry muffins today and I went put on the latest album from U-Roy who has been one of our favorite reggae musicians since the mid 1970's. U-Roy died earlier this year at the age of 78 and was actively recording right up until the time of his passing.

I found out about this last album during my usual looking at recent releases in All Music and some other music sites I regularly check on Fridays. Since I retired and no longer add albums to my collection I now look up albums in Spotify that looked interesting or essential on All Music, etc which then become My Albums in my Spotify profile. I recently marked this U-Roy album that way and today was the first time listening to it. We both loved it.

The album Solid Gold is a collection of classic reggae songs done by U-Roy and on most of the tracks he has someone singing with him such as Ziggy Marley on Trenchtown Rock. Of course U-Roy is doing the toasting.

We first came across U-Roy in the 1970's when he was pioneering the reggae DJ rapping style known as toasting which he had been doing in the late 60's. His first album was in 1970.  His first album in the US was Dread in a Babylon in 1975 which is one of my favorite all time reggae albums. I think I got it in 76 when we were exploring reggae, seeing it live and buying lots of records. There was certainly something very unique about U-Roy and that particular album.

Now the house if filling up with the aroma of freshly baked blueberry muffins. Nice.

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