Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Afghanistan 20 Years Later

The Fall of Kabul on August 15, 2021 was not only expected but one wonders how it took so long. 20 years of war and we should never had been there for 90% of that time. It should have been in and out in 2001. Nation building in a place like Afghanistan was a bitter mistake.

In the very long history of that country they have always been a region of tribal warlords and remote independent villages. There has never been a successful central government and they have never been conquered for any length of time by anyone over the centuries. They were mostly left alone. In the past couple of centuries looked what happened to the British and the Russians there. Long wars and ultimate defeat just like was has happened to the Americans.

I fully support President Biden and the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. The contractors too. America was never going to build a functioning Western-like democracy in that country. Women's rights is certainly an issue there but that should have been dealt with my the international community through the process of economic aid.

Right wing media and the republicans have been viciously attacking the president over the withdrawal of our military from Afghanistan. Ironically the president is just following the process set in motion by the former president last year. 

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