Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Ring the Bell

While on vacation at Long Lake with Katie, Todd and the kids we spent a morning at the Adirondack Museum in Blue Mountain Lake.  Henry and Clara loved it just like our kids did when they were there at their age. Henry particularly liked the buildings with the boats and trains.

We took them up on the train under the pavilion and I had Henry with me in the engineers cabin and we were pulling on the rope to ring the bell. Henry loved it.

He then told me that someday he would teach his grandchildren how to ring this bell. Then he laughed and said he would teach his children too.

We also spent time going through the Vanderbilt train car on display at the museum and he was fascinated by the furniture, beds, sinks and bathrooms as we moved through the car. 

We didn't go to the museum last year because of the pandemic and he probably doesn't remember being there when he was younger but now he'll want to go there every year just like his mother and uncle did when they were growing up. It was an annual ritual to go to that museum on a rainy day or when there would be a hint of rain.

We will definitely go there next year and Henry will ring that bell again.

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