Monday, May 14, 2018

Paris Day Three - Pompidou Center

Monday morning, our third day in Paris, was cloudy and rainy. We had another wonderful breakfast at our hotel. Then we walked over to the Pompidou Center which houses the National Museum of Modern Art which is the largest modern art museum in Europe. Becky was happy. 

We were a little early and got there before the museum which meant we had to wait outside in a line in the cold rain. When we finally got it we saw a wonderful show of modernist art that took up an entire floor of the museum. The artwork on the upper level contained collections of mainly color oriented post modern works. Becky thought it was one of the most impressive and nicest modern art collections she had ever seen anywhere. 

The architecture of the building was also very impressive and we especially liked going up the escalators on the outside of the building. The building had an "inside-out" design with the mechanics, structural and 

There was an upper level observation deck that gave us fantastic views of Paris from different directions. Unfortunately is was a cloudy dreary day that somewhat marred the views. There is a restaurant up on the roof of the building but not very many people were taking advantage of the view today but of course we were there in the morning.

After we left the Pompidou Center we headed south toward the Seine River where we would have some lunch and spend the afternoon exploring the Left Bank.

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