Tuesday, May 8, 2018

London Day One - Dinner & Pub

Later on Day One in London. 

We got refreshed from our nap and left the hotel looking for some dinner. We had done our homework and knew there were many options for a meal nearby South Kensington. We didn't get too far when we came across a Spanish tapas place on our list.

We stopped at Tapas Brindisa which specialized in Spanish home cooking and especially tapas. We ate carbaciho pork, choza and pate dipillio among other things. The food was very good and the staff was very attentive to our needs and gave us extra bread and dip. 

The staff were all from Spain. One of the waitresses taking care of us knew we were American but was excited when we said we were from New York State but of course she only heard New York and exclaimed "I want to come to America some day. I love New York. I know it very well. I've seen the movies."

After dinner we started walking back toward the hotel and of course we had to stop in the first London pub we came across which just happened to be on my list... The Hoop & Toy, a classic London pub. It was crowded and full of folks watching English Premier League football. Becky had a lager but I wanted the first of what would be many cask beers at room temperature English style. I had a Band of Brewers IPA cask from Greene King Brewery. A nice way to end a long and eventful day.

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