I mentioned in an earlier post that Katie and Todd almost did not come to Buffalo last weekend because Henry was sick from school on Thursday and had a bad cough. They drove to Buffalo on Friday anyway when he was feeling better but he did cough a lot over the weekend while staying with us. Well, a couple of days after they left and went back home to Philly I got that cough. It was enough to convince us not to drive down to Philly this weekend for the Germantown reunion party which we were already very hesitant to take for other reasons but getting this cold made that decision easy and insightful. I can't imagine being down there with a bunch of old people coughing my brains out.
It also turned out that Katie is also sick now along with Clara and Violet. I was talking to her yesterday and she was upset to hear that I was sick and Mom too but not as bad as me. Henry was feeling bad about giving his family the cold. I hope nobody from Todd's family got the cold from Henry at their party. Katie took a covid test and was negative.
So now I'm back on those cold medicines and trying to get more sleep. It's also been cool and rainy here. Hopefully I can kick this over the next few days. I don't want another two week cold like last month.
My immune system is still compromised somewhat because of our mostly living in a pandemic bubble and not getting exposed to the common colds that circulate so much in the spring. I haven't gone out much and when I do I've been wearing a mask in public except for some of our recent family get-togethers. I got a bad cold during our last trip to Philly and now another one.
Over the course of our life we have always had gotten sick from our kids bringing home germs from school and daycare but it happened so often that we build up a certain amount of immunity. That continued long after the kids grew up because Becky and I both worked on college campuses where the students were constantly exposing us to colds and various illnesses with the expected results. We got sick a lot but not always seriously. Colds would come and go. Things are a little different now since we are no longer constantly exposed to the student germs and now a little bit of exposure gets us sick. I guess that is a downside to being retired during a pandemic.
Update: I took a Covid-19 test and was negative. I knew this felt like a regular cold and I wanted to make sure especially if I were to call the doctor's office.
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