Another mass shooting occurred in an elementary school in Texas yesterday. Nineteen kids and a teacher were killed. All were Hispanic. The shooter was an 18 year old young man dressed in military gear and armed with a couple assault rifles he went out and got after his recent birthday. Sound familiar? Oh, and he shot his grandmother before heading over to the local elementary school.
I think it is time for Americans to take control of the term Pro Life away from the right wing anti-abortion folks and apply it to gun control. Millions of Americans should march in front of gun stores, NRA buildings, gun fairs, shooting ranges and anywhere the gun nuts gather. People should be marching carrying sings that say Pro Life against gun violence and murder weapons. Every gun store should have a group of people with Pro Life signs asking the gun customers why they think they need guns. Engage in conversation. Look for compromise.
I also think Americans should begin to lobby for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment which of course as anyone familiar with real American history, and not the whitewashed version we were told in school, the 2nd Amendment was insisted on and put in place by the slave holders to help them maintain control of their property. The so called well regulated militia was in place to prevent slave rebellions and to provide armed men to ensure runaway slaves were found and brought back to their labor camps.
Now of course we know that repealing the 2nd Amendment won't happen anytime soon but if one side is saying do nothing at all then the other side should take the opposite position and then maybe eventually there may be some compromise in the middle somewhere.
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