Monday, November 29, 2021

Thanksgiving 2021

We were happy to have Katie and Todd along with Henry and Clara spend five days with us for the long Thanksgiving weekend. They arrived here on Tuesday night after they were driving all day from Philadelphia. It was great having them in our home again. We had just seen them in while visiting their home in Philadelphia in October when we needed to use up a couple of plane tickets. It was nice waking up on Wednesday morning with those little kids in our home.

We had Dick and Iris over for dinner Wednesday night which was very nice having both sets of grandparents sitting together at the table enjoying some take out from Saigon Bangkok. Katie, Todd and the kids had a busy Thanksgiving day first with the Schifeling family for an early dinner and then later with the Koenig family.

We celebrated Thanksgiving this year as usual with Dave and Donna at their home but we didn't do it last year obviously because of the pandemic. They had most of the usual crowd for the meal and we really enjoyed seeing everyone. We especially liked seeing Jim, Cassie and their new baby Sonny. Katie, Todd, Henry and Clara also joined the group only a little later. It was fun seeing Clara with Eric and Amy's little Ivy Rose.  Tom and Diane were there and also Doug and Amy and the kids.

We put the kids to bed on Friday night when Katie and Todd when out with family and friends. Henry and Clara were both very good going to bed and slept fine all night. On Saturday night we went to Dick and Iris's apartment downtown and we celebrated Clara's third birthday. I wrote about there here. On Sunday morning they left for their drive back to Philly and school the next day for Henry.

We had a wonderful long weekend and we are looking forward to seeing them again in January when we will be staying with them for about three weeks.

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