Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Election Day 2021

Today is Election Day 2021 and I've been eagerly looking forward to this vote since the primary election in July when a young black woman calling herself a proud Democratic Socialist defeated a corrupt four term mayor who had refused to debate his opponent. 

Byron Brown, whom I had voted for previously, had spent the last several months trying to get placed on the ballot for November and when that didn't succeed he began a write in campaign financed by trump supporting conservative developers who wanted their man in city hall.

I don't think any politician should be in office longer than two terms. He has had four terms and feels entitled to a fifth. I originally voted for India Walton as a protest vote against Brown in the primary to send him a message but I never really expected her to win that election. Now I'm very happy to vote for her again and fully expect her to win again although I understand that the establishment powers are arrayed against her. 

Update: Brown has declared himself the winner by a significant margin. It sadly looks like I will be getting four more years of birthday cards from Byron.

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